⏲️ Timing, Materials, and Setup | myBetabox

⏲️ Timing, Materials, and Setup

Timing: from 30-60 minutes

Players: 4-8


This game, including all of the listed materials on this page is available for purchase from Betabox. Betabox Members can access free downloadable PDFs of all game content by emailing studio@betaboxlearning.com.

Consumable Materials: 
  • Paper
  • Pencils
Durable Materials:
  • Tokens x 80
  • Optional: If your classroom has a 3D printer and CAD software, try to create your own tokens with your students!
Betabox Cards:
  • Alpha_Bit 
  • Hexadecimal Code 
  • Task Management 
Placemats: game pieces where items are placed
  •    8 x External Hard Drive (USB Stick), one per player : Where players store their earned tokens
  •    1 x Hard Disk Drive : Draw pile for Task Management Cards
  •    1 x Cloud Storage : Draw pile for Alpha_Bit Cards
  •    1 x Web Design : Draw pile for Hexadecimal Code Cards
  •    1 x .ZIP File : Where crypto tokens are stored
  •    2 x Trash Bin : Discard pile for Hexadecimal Code and Task Management Cards respectively
  •    4 x Text Editor Window : Where Element Cards (Task) are placed
  •    1 x Circuit Board : Where special Function Cards (Task) are placed to be recalled during the game
Career Power-ups : Grants users unique abilities and are placed face up next to USBs
  •    Ethical Hacker: Lets the user see anyone’s cards at any given time.
  •    Data Scientist: Instead of replenishing five (5) Task Cards at the end of their turn, this user gets six (6).
  •    Cyber Security Analyst: 404 Hacker Cards have no effect.
  •    UX Designer: If three (3) exchanged Hex Codes are all the same color, user gets an extra token.
  •    Backend Developer: Can clear the cache of up to three (3) variable sets throughout the game.
  •    Information Technologist: If there are disputes over Task Challenge results, user gets the final say.
  •    Blockchain Engineer: Starts the game with one (1) token in their USB.
  •   Systems (Solution) Architect: Change the direction of play up to three (3) times throughout the game.
Example of Initial Setup

Betabox cards and tokens set on their respective placemats.

Example of Mid-Game Setup

Repeatable Function Cards on the Circuit Board. Hex Cards and Task Cards have their own discard piles.