๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Load the Code Template | myBetabox

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Load the Code Template

Keyboard Guide

Load the Code Template

Copy & Paste the Code into Repl.it

#put import statements here

img_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'img')

#set WIDTH HEIGHT and FPS here
FPS = 

#default colors
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

#initialize pygame here

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))

#set up clock here

#this code loads your picture into the game
player_img = pygame.image.load(path.join(img_dir, "INSERT FILENAME HERE"))
projectile_img = pygame.image.load(path.join(img_dir, "INSERT FILENAME HERE"))
enemy_img = pygame.image.load(path.join(img_dir, "INSERT FILENAME HERE"))
background = pygame.image.load(path.join(img_dir, "INSERT FILENAME HERE"))
background = pygame.transform.scale(background, (WIDTH, HEIGHT))

bg_rect = background.get_rect()

font_name = pygame.font.match_font("arial")

#this function puts the text on the screen
def draw_text(surf, text, size, x, y):
    font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, size)
    text_surface = font.render(text, True, WHITE)
    #set up text_rect here

    #position the rect here using midtop

    #blit the text to the screen here

#this is the class that sets up our projectiles
class Projectile(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        #set projectile size here

        #set projectile image here

        #set start position here

        #set y speed here

    def update(self):
        #update projectile location here

        #check to see if projectile has left the screen

class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self):
        #set size of enemy here

        #set enemy image here

        #set starting position of enemy here

        #set speed of enemy here

    def update(self):
        #update enemy locations here

class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self):
        #set player image here and scale it

        #set player starting position

        #set starting speed here

    def update(self):
        self.speedx = 0
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        #check to see if right key is pressed

            #move player to the right

        #check to see if left key is pressed

            #move player to the left

        #prevent player from leaving the screen

    #set up the launch function
    def launch(self):
        #this line spawns a projectile
        projectile = Projectile(self.rect.centerx, self.rect.top)
        #add projectile to sprite list and projectile list

#create all_sprites list

#create player

#add player to all_sprites list

#set up enemies list

#spawn enemies on screen

#create projectiles list

#set starting score

running = True
while running:
    #start clock here

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        #check for quit event

        #check for space click


    hits = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(enemies, projectiles, True, True)
    #set up for loop to check for collisions with projectiles

    hits = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, enemies, False)
    if hits:
        running = False

    screen.blit(background, bg_rect)

    draw_text(screen, str(score), 18, WIDTH / 2, 10)



The Code Explained

Start by importing the Pygame and random package and giving the game the ability to use images from your computer.ย os stands forย operating systemย (like Windows or Mac).

import pygame
import random
from os import path

Let’s begin by setting the properties of our game screen.

WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 600
FPS = 60

Don’t forget toย initialize the pygame package!


You can change the title of your game as a new string here (remember strings need to be inside quotation marks):

pygame.display.set_caption("INSERT NAME HERE")

Now we set up the game clock.

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

We need to set up, position, and update our text rectangle like we did for the Clicker Game.

text_rect = text_surface.get_rect()
text_rect.midtop = (x, y)
surf.blit(text_surface, text_rect)
