⧉ Mission 2: Rising Squares! | myBetabox

⧉ Mission 2: Rising Squares!

Starting Mission 2!

Once again, when you're ready to start a mission, it's always a good idea to clear your workspace of anything that could get in the way. If you leave any blocks in your workspace, your mission might act in a way you didn't expect.

In the previous mission, we learned how to create a square using loops. In this mission, we want to create a series of three squares placed vertically above each other. Remember that loops will help us to complete repetitive actions with less code!

Now it is time to plan out what your drone needs to do to accomplish this mission. Let's break it down into a few steps below:

  1. Takeoff
  2. Make a square
  3. Fly up
  4. Make a square
  5. Fly up
  6. Make a square
  7. Land

Once you have a plan, you can make your code in DroneBlocks by dragging the blocks you need into the correct order.

When you are ready to test your mission and have gone over all the safety measures, you can launch your drone.

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