🗺️ Project Blueprint | myBetabox

🗺️ Project Blueprint

Preparing for the Game

Review the Parts of the Gaming “Computer” section with the students and invite them to identify the hardware and software. Next, make sure the players have read the rulebook and can recognize the different concepts that will be used in play:

  • Functions: directives to perform given actions
  • Loops: repeatable actions
  • File extensions: identifiers, by type, for things stored in a computer
  • Variables and elements: ways to organize data in an array (set)
  • Boolean Logic: conditions for allowing certain information while true

Playing the Game

In a group of 4-8 players, arrange the placemats on the table (known as the motherboard). Shuffle the Hex Code, Alpha_Bit, and Task Cards place each of them, and the tokens, on their respective mats. Have players select a Career Power-up card as their bonus for the game; this can be done by having the youngest player choosing first then going clockwise around the table. Any remaining power-ups are set aside and are unused for the remainder of the game. Deal out five (5) Task Cards, face down, to each player and begin.

Once players become familiar with the game after multiple iterations, feel free to adjust the winning requirements (number of tokens, time frame etc…) to keep it challenging!

Post Game

After playing, ask students if they can describe what an object (ex: hard drive) or concept (ex: loop) does. For example, what does a Loop Card ask you to do (repeat something)? How can this be used by a developer?