๐Ÿ”„ Accelerometers and Gyroscopes! | myBetabox

๐Ÿ”„ Accelerometers and Gyroscopes!


A gyroscope sensor measures how much the drone is turning, which is important for stable flight. In other words, a gyroscope measures how much an object tilts, rolls, or yaws.

When the quadcopter's angle isn't where it should be, like when a gust of wind tilts it, the gyroscope picks up on it and sends the information to the PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) Controller. This is the set of logic that tells the motors to change the lift at each propeller to keep the quadcopter flying straight.

Gyroscope - learn.sparkfun.com


An accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration along a straight line. This means that it can tell if the quadcopter drone is moving faster up, down, or to the side. If the quadcopter starts to move faster than it should, the accelerometer will tell the PID controller so it can try to counteract the outside force and stop the quadcopter from flying away.

Accelerometer | Free SVG

The drone's accelerometer and gyroscope work together to figure out how the drone is moving along any of its six axes (side to side, forward and back, up and down, pitch, roll, and yaw). They are often put together into a single part called an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit).