👨‍💻 The Godot Interface | myBetabox

👨‍💻 The Godot Interface

Getting Familiar with the Godot Interface

Godot’s Editor

Now that our project is created and opened, you will see the Godot Editor screen. It looks something like the below image:


Here you can see the main menus in the top left, the workspaces in the top middle, and the playtest buttons on the top right.

We also have access to the filesystem dock on the bottom left which is where we will be able to manage our project files and assets.

Right above that is the scene dock which will allow us to see the active scene’s content and change its properties.

The toolbar, which is right above the viewport, will allow us to transform, move, and scale the objects in our scene.

Finally, we have the bottom panel which will show us debug information when we run the game.

The Workspaces

You will notice that there are four workspaces at the top of the editor: 2D, 3D, Scripts, and AssetLib. For the purposes of this class, we will not be using the 3D workspace.

The 2D workspace is the main one we will work in. It will allow us to design our games and define our interfaces!

The Scripts workspace will also get a lot of use. This is where we will write the code for our game. See the image below for an idea of what it will look like!


Finally, we have the AssetLib workspace. This is a way for us to find free assets, like characters and objects, to use in our games!