🎞️ Scenes and Nodes | myBetabox

🎞️ Scenes and Nodes

Scenes and Nodes


A scene is a group of nodes that are organized in a tree. These scenes always have the following qualities:

  • Always have one root node
  • Can be saved to disk and loaded back
  • Can be instanced

Running a game in Godot means running the main scene. We can change between scenes as the game runs!


Nodes are the building blocks of making a game! You can think of them as ingredients for your game. They can serve a variety of different purposes but they always have the following attributes:

  • A name
  • Editable properties
  • It can receive a callback every frame
  • Extendable
  • Can be a parent or a child

The last point means that every node can have children that are other nodes. This forms what we call a tree. This may be a little confusing right now but it will click when we start creating games! For now, just think of nodes as a way of organizing your game!