🆕 Starting Our Project | myBetabox

🆕 Starting Our Project

Starting Our Project

Project Manager

When you first launch Godot, you will see a screen that looks similar to the below image:


This screen will allow us to create, import, or delete projects in Godot! We can also change the language or look at various templates using the templates tab. This is the screen you will be greeted with every time you open Godot.

Creating a New Project

Creating a new project is easy! Simply click the new project button and you will be greeted with this screen:


We want to give our project a unique name and save it into an empty folder. If you do not have a folder already you can click browse and then create the folder in the location of your choice. You will also notice that you can choose which renderer to use. All you need to know about this is that OpenGL 2 works on weaker hardware so we will tend to use it most.