🛴 Step 5: Steering Bar | myBetabox

🛴 Step 5: Steering Bar

Estimated time: 3 mins

Find the 1-Arm Rocker Arm and a M1.5 x 4 screw or M1.6 x 4 screw in your kit to prepare for the steering bar assembly process. It looks like this:

Now, sandwich the thin, black steering linkage between the Rocker Arm and the screw.

Make sure you stick the screw through the very first hole in the Rocker Arm (you’ll be threading the plastic of the Rocker Arm while doing this).

Ensure that the screw it a little bit loose so that the assembly can rock back and forth. You can do this by backing the screw out a 1/4 turn once you’ve inserted it.
