πŸ”„ Mission 5: Vertical Loop! | myBetabox

πŸ”„ Mission 5: Vertical Loop!

Starting Mission 5!

Now that you have some expert flight skills under your belt, let's try something a little more difficult: flying in curves!

Flying in curves can be difficult to wrap your head around if you don't understand how the curves are formed. Let's take a look at the block you will be using to achieve a curved flight path:

Upon first glance, this block can seem a little intimidating but at it's core it is relatively simple to understand. The first set of XYZ movements, or X1, Y1, and Z1, are used to decide the middle point of your curve and the second set of XYZ movements, or X2, Y2, and Z2, are used to decide the end point! This means that you can use this block to make an almost infinite number of curves!

For this mission, you will need to make a complete vertical loop. It is important to remember that this block can only make half-circles, so you will need to put two of them together to complete your loop! Let's go ahead and write up some pseudocode to plan out our mission:

  1. Takeoff
  2. Fly forward and up to midpoint (X1 and Z1)
  3. Fly backward and up to endpoint (X2 and Z2)
  4. Fly backward and down to midpoint (X1 and Z1)
  5. Fly forward and down to endpoint (X2 and Z2)
  6. Land

Once you feel confident in your mission and checked the safety list, you can see if you have programmed the flight correctly!

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