πŸ”© About the Hardware | myBetabox

πŸ”© About the Hardware

Your Robot Car contains more than just the mechanical components we reviewed. The real magic happens in theΒ hardware, otherwise known as printed circuit boards (PCB). Let’s learn a bit about what each bit of hardware looks like and what it does.

Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4B

This is the main computing component, acting like the “brain” of the system. It is its own little computer!

Robot HATS

This is the communication device between the Raspberry Pi and the other parts of the car. It acts as a special adapter for the Pi allowing it to communicate with the other circuit boards. It also provides power to the Pi from the batteries.

PCA9685 PWM Driver

Controls the servos for the front wheels and other additional parts, such as the camera.

TB6612 Motor Driver

This sends power to the motors at the right times (when the computer tells it to)!