🖱️ Step 1: Navigating Linux | myBetabox

🖱️ Step 1: Navigating Linux

Back before computers had a desktop, graphical programs used the command line to communicate with the user. Command lines are a mainstay in modern day computers and while most users don’t have a use for them, programmers find them invaluable. The command line allows you to edit files, run code, change settings, start and install programs, and almost anything else you could do with a desktop. In Windows, the command line is called the command prompt, or cmd. On Mac and Linux run computers, it is called the shell.

When you ‘SSH‘ into a Raspberry Pi with PuTTY (an application that implements these protocols and allows you to log into the Command Line of a remote machine), you are accessing the shell with a Secure SHell connection.

Common Linux Commands

  • cd ↔️ change directories (go to another folder)
  • cd / ↔️ go to root (base) directory
  • cd ~ ↔️ go to home (the very start) directory
  • cd ../ ↔️ go up 1 directory (towards home)
  • cd ../.. ↔️ go up 2 directories (towards home)
  • pwd ↔️ print working directory (shows where you currently are)
  • ls ↔️ list (shows list of files/folders in current directory)
  • UP ARROW ↔️ quickly cycle through lines of code you’ve already typed
  • TAB ↔️ autocompletes files and folders