🚗 Step 8: Finishing the Front Wheel Assembly | myBetabox

🚗 Step 8: Finishing the Front Wheel Assembly

We will connect the steering bar onto the front servo. Start by flipping your car upside down. Grab the steering bar that you made earlier and connect it to the servo by pressing the open part of the rocker arm into the gear of the servo. Try to get it at about a 90 degree angle as shown. Don't use any screws here, simply press the rocker arm into the servo gear so they press fit.

It's ok if you don't see the 4 long gold standoffs in the photo, you are going to add those later on down this page.

Grab your two front wheel assemblies.

To connect the wheels, insert the hole at the end of the steering bar onto the top notch of each steering connector plate for each front wheel assembly. Then, push the bottom of the steering connector plate into the hole on the front chassis.

Try to keep the servo centered while you do this. It will look something like this when you are done:

Now, get the front half chassis with the standoff screws and mount it to the underside of the car using four M3x8 screws.

Do not over tighten! These screws can snap the acrylic frame.

That’s it! This is a great time for a break!

Next, we will begin working with the software!