πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Self-Driving Cars! | myBetabox

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Self-Driving Cars!

Welcome to the Robot Car Project! Our goal is to offer an exciting and challenging experience that allows you to increase your knowledge in a high-demand STEM topic. You can view all of our available courses here.

This is a Black Diamond course, so get ready to stretch your skills to the limit (with our help, of course)!

Scot Schmidt. PHOTO: Chris Noble

Over time, we will be adding more content to our website that you can explore. Follow-ons will also be updated which will enhance the skills you’ve already learned while building your Robot Car. This means that this one single car will actually become more valuable over time as we add new content! You’ll receive an email when a new project becomes available for your car.

Here you will learn to build, program, and test your Robot Car. You should have received the accompanying hands-on learning Betabox in the mail that contains all the materials you will need. If you have not received one, please have a parent email us at hello@betaboxlearning.com.

Once you’re ready, go ahead and click theΒ I did it! button and then click Next Section.

Tip: Press the I did it! button every time you complete a section to keep track of your progress!