πŸ” Mini Game with Loops & Conditionals | myBetabox

πŸ” Mini Game with Loops & Conditionals

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How many bowls did the hedgehog have to get to win?

Let’s check out another type of interaction β€” a game where a hedgehog has to collect cheese puffs! Every time the hedgehog touches a bowl of cheese puffs, one point is added, and the cheese puffs disappear.

This is a little more complex to code but you can see the if touching Hedgehog code is very similar to the simple interactions example.

Your Turn!

Watch this video to learn how to code this mini game from scratch! We’ll be using loops (an action that repeats over and over) andΒ conditionals (IF it does this, THEN it can do that) in our mini game. See if you can identify which code blocks match which coding concept.