👨🏽‍💻 Reconnecting the Car | myBetabox

👨🏽‍💻 Reconnecting the Car

Time to connect to our Raspberry Pi from another computer.

This will allow us to view the Terminal we’ve been sending commands to from another computer on the network. This permits us to remove our HDMI cable, finish the assembly, and get the car driving.

Follow the instructions for the type of computer you are using.

For Mac:

  1. Make sure your Pi is linked up with the same Wi-Fi as your computer
  2. Open Terminal on your Mac
  3. Type the command: arp -a
  4. Click Enter (this will generate a list of the IP Addresses on your network)
  5. Type ssh pi@192.168.0.XX but use the unique IP Address of your Pi you found earlier

For Windows:

1.  Download PuTTY and open it up on your computer. It will look like this:

2. Type the IP address for your car that you wrote down earlier into the hostname field. Make sure the Raspberry Pi is still turned on! Hit the Enter key on your computer.

3. You might get a PuTTY Security Alert that looks like the image above. Click Yes on this screen.

4. Once you click yes, you’ll see a black screen with the words ‘login as’. Type pi and hit Enter.

5. The screen will then as you for a password. Type raspberry and hit Enter. Note that your keystrokes won’t register on the screen while you type in the password.

6. If you logged in successfully, you’ll see a screen like the above. You have successfully connected to your car via a local network!

Let’s move onto the next page!