💻 Uploading the Code! | myBetabox

💻 Uploading the Code!

Flashing the Arduino!

To finalize the project and allow us to control the robot arm using the knobs, we need to flash the arm once again with the final code.

To upload this code simply navigate to the DIY Control Robot Arm kit for Arduino-Rollarm\Arduino Code\Rollarm folder where you saved it and open the Rollarm.ino file. You may notice that some other files also opened in the IDE. These files will help the main file run. Once you have opened the rollarm file all you have to do is click the upload button!

Using the Arm!

You can now unplug your robot arm and plug in the battery! You are ready to start controlling the arm using the knobs to turn the servos. Have fun experimenting and see what you can pick up!