πŸ“ƒ Installing Dragit | myBetabox

πŸ“ƒ Installing Dragit

DragitΒ is a visual programming language that was originally made for animations. While the program still contains come code for animation, we’ll just ignore it because we’re going to use the programming language to build self-driving algorithms instead. We need to get Dragit operating so we can use it to program our car.

Setting Up Dragit For the First Time

To set up the Dragit interface, run the following commands:

cd robotcar
sudo python dragit_installer.py

Press the down arrow one time so that your cursor is hovering next to the second item, PiCar-V. Hit the space bar once so that an asterisk appears between the brackets. Then press enter.


If everything worked, upon reboot you should be able to use Dragit.